Saturday, October 18, 2014

Angel Island

         Angel Island was a port of entry in San Francisco in the 1900’s for Chinese and Japanese immigrants but the majority were Chinese. About a million immigrants landed in Angel Island which housed the immigrants. Thw United States put limitations to the influx of Chinese immigrants by ratifying the Chinese Exclusion Act, which limited the type of Chinese immigrants such as Chinese diplomats, teachers, merchants and students that were allowed to migrate to Angel Island.

            In 1906, there was an earthquake in San Francisco in which many documents were lost and some Chinese claimed to be American citizens, thus allowed the Chinese to migrate their children to the United States. In 1943, the Chinese Exclusion Act was repealed; allowing Chinese to become U.S. Citizens but there was still a limitation of 105 Chinese immigrants per year until 1965. The immigration of Chinese in the 1900’s began the establishment of Chinatown in San Francisco. 

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